What you need to know about the installation of an FTA satellite system by ChristianDish.com

We published several videos on the subject of FTA installation or for that matter the ChristianDish satellite system.  One of our videos has assisted over 500,000 viewers and other FTA installation videos have about 20,000 views.  In any case, the videos have helped many with an internet connection, but what about those without internet?  In the past, we have copied the videos to a DVD that we make available for $5 plus shipping to those that prefer to have a copy for future use.  Others prefer an installation manual, which we have published, but it is currently being updated for our new systems. That new update will be published and will only be available for download on our website later part of October 2019. 

The installation for an FTA satellite system is not very complicated, however, it does require a precise and meticulous procedure. The target satellite for our service is Galaxy 19 - 97 West, and because it does not transmit as much power as DirecTV™ or Dish Network™ it requires that every part of the satellite is just right to perform its best to achieve the highest quality levels. There is much confusion over the strength and quality levels.  I try to explain that strength is not as important as the quality level.  We have to achieve the highest quality levels possible, and in our case, it should be right at about 78 -82% quality.  Some things that can affect the quality signal are:

Trees in the way of the satellite signal
Buildings that block the signal from Galaxy 19
Warped satellite dish
Poor F connector connection
Bad RG-6 connections
Improperly installed mast pole
Improperly installed satellite dish mount bracket
Properly installed LNBF

I will discuss each one of the causes in detail. 

Trees in the way of the satellite signal! 
This is a very common mistake, people do not realize that the signal cannot go around objects like trees that regrow their leaves in the spring.  We often get calls from folks that didn't pay attention to trees that didn't have their leaves in the winter, but lost the signal gradually until the quality is completely absent in early spring. We always ask all our customers a lot of investigative questions in the efforts to avoid them the headache of having to relocate their dish to a location where the signal is available in the spring and summer.

Buildings that block the signal from Galaxy 19! 
This problem is like the trees blocking the signal, except the signal will not be available immediately and can take hours of that person trying to get signal in vain.  To survey your area and obtain the correct coordinates for Galaxy 19 -97W you can go to www.dishpointer.com, they also have a wonderful app for your smartphone that actually shows you the location in sky thous preventing the mistake of installing your dish in the incorrect location.

Warped satellite dish!
A warped satellite dish can occur during shipping and it is an easy fix.  To find out if your satellite dish is warped you can test it before you assemble the dish.  I always find a flat surface to set the dish face down if the dish has high spots that mean your dish has a slight warp surface.  Why is this critical? Here is why, the signal that reflects from the metal surface of the dish will all focus right where the LNBF will be located, and if the surface of the dish reflects it away from the LNBF then you're signal will not be much signal available or it will be completely absent.

Poor F connector connection!
This is one of the common problems that installers have experienced over and over.  When the ChristianDish satellite system is installed the receiver will require a home run line from the satellite dish to the back of the receiver (LNB input connection).
You can use the old satellite dish cableling that remaind installed on your home, you just have to make sure that no splitters remain on the line.  Removing them from the cable run to the dish is just a matter of using an f-81 barrel or also called a splice fitting. I always remove splitters and check for staple that might have been incorrectly installed. The best recommendation that I can give you is the one that I practice and that is installing a 75 ohm resister on one end and ohming out the line.  You can find Youtube videos on line that can show you how to do this procedure.

Bad RG-6 connections!
I can't tell you how many times I have gone to a service call and found one of those screw on one fits all F connector that had shorted out with the center conductor and the shield braiding. I suggest nothing but 2 GB or hight RG-6 connectors for RG-6 coax wire. Major hardware stores have kits for replacing coax connector fittings. Ohm out your line or visually inspect your fittings if you have a receiver that shuts down or will not turn on.

Improperly installed mast pole!
Installation of your mast pole is one of the most critical procedures that can be done during your installation. Take your time to make sure that your mast pole is perfectly plumb.  Use a 360 degree carpenters protactor with the magnetic surface. 1 degree can cause up to 3,200 km off. It must also be sturdy, that mean as good surface and use all the provided brackets to insure as solid and firm pole.  I always test to see if it holds my weight.

Improperly installed satellite dish mount bracket!
Please follow the assembling diagram provided with provided with your kit, if this bracket is upside down your setting will be completely off. In North America make sure that you use the A side mounting bracket assembly instructions.

Properly installed LNBF!
When our customers purchase the ChristianDish or the SDAdish satellite system we will always provide the coordinates to them via email or if needed snail mail one to them. Installation of the LNBF is critical for proper signal reception.  Everytime that I have requested a picture of the LNBF installed on the satellite dish I have received a picture of an upside LNBF.  Make sure that the coax cable and the F connector is facing downward.  I have published a post that can help you troubleshoot an LNBF here is the link: http://christiandish.com/fta-installation-satellite-trouble-shooting/free-to-air-fta-installations-fta-trouble-shooting/

I have produced another post addressing many of the questions that we have received thorugh out the years, that post is located here: http://christiandish.com/fta-installation-satellite-trouble-shooting/christian-satellite-tv-qas/

I like to always recommend a survey of the property before anyone tries to install an FTA satellite system in their home.  Especially before they have a professional installer that might have to travel long distances for the FTA installation service call. They the app that I recommended from www.dishpointer.com and find out for certain that you can install the satellite dish on your property.
Here is a tip that ensure success and that is that your home or office had service from a major satellite provider and that there is an old abandoned dish on a pole on the ground or on the house.

Taking a few steps to save you time and money before you begin the process of secking a ChristianDish satellite system installed in your home.  Visit our website at: www.ChristianDish.com/support to view all our installation videos to start with.
Another recommendation about the installation of your ChristianDish satellite system is to check with your pastor, he might know of a person in the church that is already installing the systems for church member or assists people in his communinty with installations. They are dear souls helping elderly people wanting to watch Christian TV channels in their homes.  They love to help out shut-ins and people that want enjoy sermons during the day for spiritual uplifting.

ChristianDish.com is a self supported ministry, for every dollar that we earn we tithe 10% to the Lord for His work.
We also provide many helpful products, which include health products, house hold appliances that make your life easier to make healthful Almond Milk, smoothies, vitamix blenders, etc.  If you already purchase products online you can sign up to our newsletter on our website and help support us and the many ministries and efforts that we strive to support.

Disclaimer: We strive to make our posts as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee it will always be easy to understand due to the technical jargon that the industry has.

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